Asbestos Lawyers - Get the Settlement You Deserve
Are you suffering from cancer that was caused by Asbestos? You are not alone as there are many workers that have contracted cancer across the country due to asbestos. If you live in Connecticut or any other state for that matter and you have cancer because of asbestos, then you need a Connecticut asbestos lawyer or a lawyer for asbestos from your area.
Finding an asbestos lawyer is not difficult, but finding one that is going to get you what you deserve can be difficult. There have been many settlements across the country that have turned out to be great for the client, but there have also been a few that were not so good, and this is usually due to a not so good lawyer.
Just to give you an idea of the settlement that you should be after, ExxonMobile recently had to pay a lady $5 million dollars because her husband contracted cancer due to asbestos, while working for ExxonMobile and died. She was awarded the $5 million for her loss of her husband. This was not a settlement either, it went all the way to court. The jury found that ExxonMobile knew of the dangers and did not take the necessary safety measures to protect it's workers.
Asbestos is being found in many workplaces and is the leading cause of work related cancer by over twice the second danger on the list. It is not fair that you might have contracted cancer due to exposure to asbestos and it is not fair if you have lost or are going to lose someone because the company they worked for found it to be less expensive to let their employees die from cancer, then to spend the money to protect them from asbestos.
You can find out what your rights are and what the laws are in your state pertaining to asbestos by contacting an attorney that specialized in asbestos law. Most of the connecticut asbestos lawyers will even review your case for free and let you know what you might be able to do in order to seek compensation for your loss or illness.
Get more information and contact one of the Connecticut Asbestos Lawyers today. Go here for more information:
Connecticut Asbestos Lawyers